The music of Sue Brescia
"When I first met Peggy, my surgical oncologist's nurse, she was a small framed woman in her late forties, no taller than 5'2". With every visit, she greeted me with a warm hug and an even warmer smile. Little did I know that behind that grace filled smile was a woman battling Hodgkin's lymphoma and in the years to come, breast and skin cancer.
Over the years, after my visits to the hospital ended, Peggy and I corresponded with yearly Christmas cards.
It wasn't until I received a letter from Peggy informing me she wasn't well. At the end of the letter was her phone number. She asked that I call her.
Over the past two years I had the privilege of getting to know Peggy and her husband John, and witnessed the great love they possessed for life and for each other.
It was during that time that I began writing Our Last First Time, in hopes of capturing the expression of their unwavering love.
Toward the end of Peggy's life, when she was placed on a vent and she could no longer speak, she continued to smile that smile. Sadly, on March 10th Peggy passed away. After Peg had passed, I was moved to accompany the song with an animated video and wrote an instrumental for each line of every verse.
Losing a loved one leaves a heartache that will never be healed. My wish for Our Last First Time is to bring solace and comfort to those who receive this musical expression of love." Sue
"I wanted to communicate my frustrations over the pain, suffering and greed that has enveloped our world. Since when is one human life worth more than another? Isn't each life a gift? Why can't we all live life simply? If we could all come from a place of love and grace towards all human kind, we could change the world as we know it today." Sue
"Passage of Time evolved suddenly after taking my mother to one of her doctor's appointments. While she was being examined, she looked up at me and at that very moment I realized, the tables were turned, the passage of time had taken place. It was my turn to take care of her.
This experience heightened my awareness of the mortality of my parents and reminded me to cherish every moment I have with them." Sue
"It was during my own journey of fear and doubt when Stepping Stones came to fruition.
"It is amazing to me how these illusions can hold one back from discovering one's own greatness." Sue

© 2023 Gentle Spirit Records